In accordance with the “Regulation on the Protection of Employees from the Dangers of Explosive Atmospheres” published in the Official Gazette No. 28633 dated 30.04.2013; Chemical Engineer, Class A IGU, KDU, TMGD, ÇASGEM and MoEU Trainer, ATEX / PKD Specialist. Under the leadership of Mrs.Figen Önder, we perform the following services on behalf of your business with our expert team;
- Preparation of an Explosion Protection Document within the scope of the Regulation
- Providing guidance and consultancy services on the classification and sizing of hazardous environments, determination of other security measures to be taken with all ignition sources, including equipment in these environments.
- Providing guidance and consultancy services on “Design, Selection and Installation of Electrical Facilities Used in Explosive Atmospheres” within the scope of IEC-EN-TS 60079-14.
- Providing guidance and consultancy services on “Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Facilities Used in Explosive Gases” within the scope of IEC-EN-TS 60079-17.
- Providing guidance and consultancy services in the subjects of “Repair of Equipment Used in Explosive Atmospheres, Major Maintenance and Bringing to Working Condition” within the scope of IEC-EN-TS 60079-19
- Providing guidance and consultancy services on “Classification of Hazardous Zones in Flammable Dust Atmospheres” within the scope of IEC-EN-TS 60079-10-2 and NFPA regulations.
- Providing guidance and consultancy services on technical and organizational measures to be taken in flammable gas and dust atmospheres.
What is ATEX?
ATEX directives of European Union Organizations have been put into effect since 1 July 2003. ATEX is a combination of the first syllables of the French words “ATmosphéresEXplosives” and means Explosive Atmospheres.
What is ATEX Certificate?
It is an international certificate received for products used in explosive, flammable and easily flammable environments and where the production is made.
EU ATEX Directives
There are two ATEX directives, one for manufacturers of equipment and one for users.
The first (ATEX 95) is the Equipment Directive 94/9 / EC; It is the Equipment and Protective Systems Instruction produced for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres. In short, it is the safe equipment directive for ATEX.
Second (ATEX 137) as Workplace Directive 99/92 / EC; It is the Instruction on Minimum Requirements for Improving Occupational Safety and Health of Employees at Potential Risk from Explosive Atmospheres. In short, it is the worker protection directive for ATEX.
Standards and practices regarding explosive atmospheres (EXproof) must comply with both of these ATEX guidelines. The Common Market Countries have to comply with ATEX 100a and ATEX 137 and have harmonized all their relevant legislation such as their national laws, standards, regulations, instructions and so on.
ATEX Legislation in Our Country
In accordance with these directives, the “Regulation on Equipment and Protective Systems Used in Possible Explosive Atmospheres (94/9 / EC)” as our first regulation for ATEX in our country, entered into force on 27.10.2002 and was completely renewed on 30.12.2006.
As our second regulation, the “Regulation on the Protection of Employees from the Dangers of Explosive Atmospheres (99/92 / EC)” entered into force on 26.12.2003 and was completely renewed on 30.05.2013.
The deficiencies in these regulations were corrected and supported with the New “Occupational Health and Safety” approved on 20.06.2012 and published in the Official newspaper on 30.06.2012.
While ATEX rules have been applied as a voluntary standard since March 1, 1996, since July 1, 2003, all products sold for use in explosive atmospheres have been obliged to be EX approved and to bear the symbol. It is obligatory to obtain a certificate of conformity to the European Norm for Ex protected instruments.
Ex Certificate of Conformity (ATEX); The product is an international document that can be issued after a long time and many tests and experiments.
ATEX Directives also impose serious sanctions on manufacturers:
- Apart from serious tests and personnel training, every product produced in accordance with the directives pursuant to the ATEX declaration must contain international ATEX marking.
- These markings must contain information such as certificate number, group code, equipment code, usage classes (zone zones), production year, company code.
- This coding is not the same for every product. It contains differences in each product.