Pursuant to the Regulation on Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects;

Under the leadership of Mr. Hüseyin Özcan The Retired Chief Inspector, Retired SEVESO Legislation Commission President and Audit Coordinator,  we determine the level and scope of the enterprises with our expert team and perform the following services on behalf of your business;


  • GR-Safety Report Preparation
  • MAPP-Preparation of Major Accident Prevention Policy Document
  • Establishment of SMS-Security Management System
  • Internal Emergency Plan Preparation
  • Preparation of Major Accident Scenario Document
  • P&ID and PFD Drawings
  • Evaluation and Application of Quantitative Risks
  • Determination and Implementation of Risk Control Measures
  • Determination of Domino Effect



Within the scope of Education and Consultancy; In line with the CLP Regulation and the SEVESO III directive, we share with you our knowledge of the classification of hazardous materials, hazardous equipment identification methodologies, critical equipment identification, scenarios suitable for accident frequency detection.


What is Seveso?

The Seveso disaster is an industrial accident that occurred on July 10, 1976 in a small chemical manufacturing plant in the Lombardy region of Italy.

This accident resulted in the highest known exposure value for 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo p dioxin (TCDD “Seveso Deoxin”) in the residential area, bringing along numerous scientific studies and standard industrial safety regulations. The EU industrial safety regulations are known as the Seveso II Directive.

This kind of industrial accident risk reduction subject to regulation in Turkey regarding Mitigation of Impacts Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents, (BEKRA) was founded.


Major Industrial Accident refers to a major emission, fire or explosion incident caused by one or more dangerous substances that can cause serious danger for the environment and human health inside or outside the organization, during the operation of any organization.


Seveso Directive

Directive 82/501 / EEC, originally published on June 24, 1982.

After the ongoing accidents in Europe, it was published in 1996 as the 96/82 / ECS SEVESO II Directive in order to increase the effectiveness of this directive and to expand its scope. It was revised once again in 2003 and revised as Directive 2003/105 / EC. Finally, 2012/18 / EU SEVESO III Directive, published on 24 July 2012, started to be implemented within the EU as of 1 June 2015.


The first study for the implementation of the SEVESO II Directive in our country was the “Regulation on the Control of Major Industrial Accidents” on August 18, 2010. Later, on 30 December 2013, it was published in the Official newspaper with the name of “Regulation on Prevention and Mitigation of Major Industrial Accidents” and entered into force. It has also been finalized with the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and the Mitigation of Their Effects dated March 2, 2019 and numbered 30702.


The purpose  of the Seveso Directives;


  • To reduce the likelihood of high risk accidents
  • Minimizing and controlling damages to human health, environment and business.
  • Safe operation of facilities with high operational risk


Which businesses does the Seveso Regulation cover?

Establishments that contain hazardous substances specified in the Annex of the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing their Impacts, equal or more than the amounts specified in the same annex, or that are expected to contain dangerous substances in these quantities during the loss of control of an industrial chemical process are evaluated within the scope of Seveso.


Activities Out of Scope Pursuant to Article 3

  1. Military Organizations
  2. Pipelines

                        3.Radiation Based Hazards

  1. Land-Air-Sea Transportation
  2. Marine Oil / Mineral Exploration
  3. Out of Storage Mining
  4. Waste Storage Areas


Administrative Sanctions

If it is determined that the measures taken by the operator to prevent major accidents and reduce damages are insufficient, the establishment / facility is closed by the ministry or the operation of the relevant departments is stopped.

In the event that the safety report and internal emergency plan are not delivered by the operator on time, the establishment / facility is closed by the ministry or the operation of the relevant departments is stopped.

In other missing cases, sanctions are imposed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Environment Law No. 2872 and Labor Law No. 4857.

The administrative fine varies from 50,000 TL to 300,000 TL depending on the violated substances, the hazard class of the organization, the number of employees and the annual revaluation rates.



BEKRA Notification

It is the notification that organizations holding Dangerous Chemicals in the annex of the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing their Impacts declare their substances and their quantities to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. This notification is made electronically by the person authorized through the Bekra Notification System. With the Bekra Notification, businesses are classified as “Lower Tier Establishment”, “Upper Tier Establishment” or “Out of Scope”.


In what cases is a repeat notification required?

  1. A change in the amount of declared dangerous substances that will affect the establishment level.
  2. There is a change in the nature of the declared dangerous goods.
  3. There is a change in the physical form of the declared dangerous substances and / or in the processes applied that will affect the level of the establishment.
  4. Any change in the organization information given through the notification system.
  5. If the organization ceases to operate, is transferred or goes beyond the scope of this Regulation.