- 0532 111 86 43
- info@tmgddanismanlik.com
As the top management, we inform the public that we will comply with the principles of Confidentiality, Independence, and Impartiality within the framework of the following general principles.
Every client we provide verification services to is special, important, and confidential to us. Maximum attention will be paid to the privacy of the enterprise. Our employees and verifiers will serve by knowing and approving this rule.
As a company, all information that we access or will access will be protected with special sensitivity and will only be shared with those who need to know.
When the confidential data of the companies that we have a professional relation is requested, it will not be shared with third parties without the knowledge and approval of the customers.
Our company carries out the Verification and Certification processes completely independently, only in the light of scientific information and international standards. Apart from these doctrines, our company does not take orders and/or instructions from anyone and does not give any privileges.
Our company wants to take a place in the minds of both its customers, its competitors and public authorities, as an organization that does only what is necessary and never compromises on the principle of honesty; and therefore, it shows the highest level of sensitivity and care.
Our company has determined the service rules in the light of international standards, norms and corporate principles.
Every customer is the same for us, equal and does not deserve any favoritism or nepotism in our eyes. However, no customer can be treated unfairly or unreasonably under any circumstances.
ISO 14064 Corporate Carbon Footprint Verification and Certification
The study of calculating the equivalents in terms of carbon dioxide (tCO2eq) of the effects of greenhouse gases resulting from activities such as production, service and processing is defined as carbon footprint.
We conduct the verification and certification of the Greenhouse Gas Projects of the companies that carry out the Greenhouse Gas Project within the scope of the Greenhouse Gas Inventories according to ISO 14064-1 2018 Corporate Carbon Footprint Greenhouse Gases– Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals and, ISO 14064-2 2019 Project Carbon Footprint Greenhouse Gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements, ISO 14065 and ISO 17029 standards.
Verification and Certification under the GHG Protocol
In the frame of the GHG Protocol, we carry out our verification and certification services within the scope of ISO 14065 and ISO 17029 Standards, as in the ISO 14064-1 Corporate Carbon Footprint Standard.
ISO 14046 Water Footprint Verification and Certification
The water footprint is defined as the calculation of the amount of fresh water used, including all stages of production and services, including the amount of polluted water and the amount of recycled water. Calculating the water footprint is also calculating the effects on water bodies. When making calculations, both direct water use and indirect water use within the production process should be included.
ISO 14046 Water Footprint Standard is a standard created for calculating the amount of directly and indirectly polluted fresh water and the amount of recovered water. ISO 14046 specifies the rules and requirements for water footprint assessments of products, processes, and organizations.
As TMGD A.Ş., we audit calculations and standard requirements of the companies that already calculate ISO 14046 Water Footprint and implement the standard and issue the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Verification Report and Certificate.
ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint Verification and Certification
The process of calculating the Greenhouse Gas Emission Amount and reduction amount in CO2 equivalent given to the atmosphere caused by the product in all processes from the extraction of the raw materials of a product or service to the production of the product, to the supply chain from reaching the customer as a product, to the completion of the life of the product is defined as the Product Carbon Footprint calculation.
ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint Standard is a standard created for calculating the amount of Greenhouse Gas Emission and the amount of reduction given to the atmosphere, directly or indirectly, arising from the product itself, production, transportation, and destruction processes. The ISO 14067 Standard specifies the rules and requirements for Carbon Footprint calculations throughout the life cycle of products.
In line with our services, by verifying the calculations and auditing the standard requirements of the companies applying the standard and calculate ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint; we issue ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint Certificate, ISO 14067 Verification Report, and ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint Certificate in accordance with ISO 14065 and ISO 17029 standards.
Verification of CDP Carbon and Water Footprints
As TMGD A.Ş., Verification of Carbon Footprint Reports (Scope 1 Direct Emissions, Scope 2 Indirect Energy Imported, Scope 3 Other Indirect Emissions), and Water Footprint Reports of companies that make CDP Reports is among our services.
CDP Carbon Footprint Report Verification
Scope 1 Verification of Direct Emissions Reports
Scope 2 Verification of Energy Indirect Emissions Reports
Scope 3 Verification of Other Indirect Emissions Reports
CDP Water Footprint Report Verification
Verification of Water Draft Amounts
Analysis of Water Draw-Verification of Parameters Related to Water Quality
Verification of Water Discharge Amounts
Verification of Contaminated Water Amounts According to Parameters
Verification of Total Water Footprint Amount services are provided.
ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 Life Cycle Assessment Verification
According to ISO 14040/44 standards; LCA (Life Cycle Assesment) is an evaluation method that provides information on the environmental impacts of a product, service or process, including resource efficiency and waste generation, throughout the entire life cycle, starting with the acquisition of raw materials, processing, production, use, end of life and disposal.
To ensure comparability of life cycle assessments, the International Organization for Standardization has prepared and presented two complementary standards. The principles and framework of life cycle assessments are described in ISO 14040; The requirements themselves are given in the ISO 14044 standard.
As TMGD A.Ş., Life Cycle Assessment studies carried out within the scope of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 Standards are verified in accordance with ISO 14065 and ISO 17029 Standards.
Sultan Selim Cad. Turan Sokak. No:25 Günay Plaza K:2 4.Levent/Kağıthane – İstanbul
Call Center: 0532 111 86 43
Tel: 0212 351 30 59-60
E-mail: info@tmgddanismanlik.com
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